Wednesday, March 18, 2009

4-day Jet-setter

It really doesn't happen to me very often, but every once in awhile, the stars align and I have moments of feeling trendy and hip. After three days in Vegas, I roll-y suitcase-ed right in to work only to be given tickets to a sold out Lady Gaga concert. Wait, this get's even more obnoxious -- they were straight from her band. Don't hate me because I'm dumb lucky.

After the most painful 2.5 hours of watching long drawn out openers, she finally appeared in all her GaGa glory. RIP Madonna, get your hair buzzer Britney, because the girl has serious chops and a killer look. For being at a small, no-frills venue, she had 4 costume changes (none of which included pants), three man-dancers and an acrylic piano filled with bubbles. Did I mention she was wearing an outfit made of bubbles and played the piano with her foot while wearing 4" acrylic heels? Yeah, crazy, but wonderful.

Give a listen here, here & here. Her look in concert is more art house/high fashion than record lable popster -- I wish her videos showed that more.

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