Monday, August 3, 2009

Yup, Still Fat

It's official, I still have the Europe weight around the ol' hip region, but what I have gained is a new realization and it came to me like a bolt of lightning. Here is is: Nudists are just people who recently gained weight and have refused to go up a size.

I realized this when the best part of my day became unbuttoning my shorts, doing my first unrestricted deep bend and letting it all hang out. I'm pretty sure that nudists are people who had this moment and instead of taking it for what it is (fat smooshed in to clothes like a big human sausage), mistook it for a feeling of freedom from clothes and whatever hell else a nudist tries to sell their brand of crazy as.

So here's to all the nudists out there -- people who were one day just like you and I, but refused to listen to what their pants were telling them.

1 comment:

Rebecca Halleran said...

I myself am considering nudism as an alternative to jeans at the moment. That and a lot of outfits with leggings. And I didn't even get to go to Europe...